Rasmus Greiner

Rasmus Greiner, born 1983, is Researcher (Senior Lecturer) in film studies at Bremen University. He currently leads a three-year BMBF-funded research project “Audiovisual Histospheres”. He is founder and managing editor of the open access journal “Research in Film and History” (www.film-history.org) and serves as editor of the journal “Nach dem Film” (www.nachdemfilm.de). He received his PhD at Philipps Universität Marburg with a thesis on asymmetrical wars in feature films since the late 90s (Die neuen Kriege im Film, Marburg 2012). His areas of research comprise audio-visual production of history, global film culture, war movies, genre studies and film aesthetics. His recent publications include: “Histospheres. Zur Theorie und Praxis des Geschichtsfilms” (Berlin 2020), “Audio History des Films. Sonic Icons – Auditive Histosphäre – Authentizitätsgefühl” (with Winfried Pauleit and Mattias Frey, Berlin 2018), “Research in Film and History No I and II” (ed., www.film-history.org, 2018 and 2019), “Film als Forschungsmethode. Produktion – Geschichte – Perspektiven” (ed. with Winfried Pauleit et al., Berlin 2018), Reality Unbound: New Departures in Science Fiction Cinema (ed. with Aidan Power et al., Berlin 2017), “Film und Geschichte. Produktion und Erfahrung von Geschichte durch Bewegtbild und Ton“ (ed. with Delia González de Reufels et al., Berlin 2015).

Participation in Public Deliverables

D3.1 Definition of Engagement Levels, Usage Modes, and User Types


D3.2 Mind Map Visualizing Multimodal Curating


Participation in Events

Pre-Kick-off Meeting


Friday, 19.10.2018, 09:15 to Saturday, 20.10.2018, 18:00

Kick-off Meeting


Wednesday, 27.02.2019, 09:15 to Friday, 01.03.2019, 20:00

Visual History of the Holocaust. Rethinking Curation in the Digital Age


Friday, 05.04.2019, 14:45

Curation of Engagement Levels


Monday, 20.05.2019, 09:00 to Tuesday, 21.05.2019, 17:00

Consortium Meeting


Tuesday, 23.02.2021, 15:00 to Wednesday, 24.02.2021, 19:00

Migrating Images and Image Migration: How Popular Culture Shapes the Visual History of the Holocaust


Monday, 12.09.2022, 18:00 to Wednesday, 14.09.2022, 20:00

Film expert
Universität Bremen, Postfach 330440, 28334 Bremen – Germany