Events 2021

Paysage dans la compréhension des crimes: pratiques de preneurs de vues soviétiques

Présentation d'Irina Tcherneva à la conférence "Quel paysage pour la mémoire? Quelle mémoire pour le paysage?"

Thursday, 16.12.2021, 11:45 to Thursday, 16.12.2021, 12:15

Cette contribution se concentre sur le paysage et la dimension spatiale dans les films documentaires et les photographies créés par les Soviétiques en 1941-1945 lors de la libération des territoires occupés par les nazis.

Visual History of the Holocaust – Projektpräsentation

Präsentation von Ingo Zechner im Rahmen des "LBG ERA Dialog"

Thursday, 25.11.2021 to Thursday, 25.11.2021

This image shows a montage of written archival documents

VHH Research Seminar – Session 7: How to Tell the Story of Liberated Concentration Camps: On the Written Documents of British Cameramen and Filmmakers

Presentation by Ulrike Weckel

Tuesday, 23.11.2021, 16:00 to Tuesday, 23.11.2021, 18:00

In the seventh session of CERCEC's H2020 "Visual History of the Holocaust" Research Seminar, Ulrike Weckel (Justus Liebig University Giessen) explores what the written documents of British cameramen and filmmakers can tell us about their perceptions of Allied atrocity films.

Event image

Expanded Places: Rethinking the Virtual Transformation of Memorials

Presentation by Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann at the online workshop "SPUR-lab meets Museum am Tatort"

Thursday, 18.11.2021, 10:00 to Thursday, 18.11.2021, 10:30

Augmentation and virtualization can make layers of the past visible and enable a state of co-presence.

Visual History of the Holocaust – Project Presentation

Presentation by Ingo Zechner and Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann at the online workshop "Going Digital with Difficult Histories"

Tuesday, 16.11.2021 to Tuesday, 16.11.2021

Event image

Dunkles Erbe: Digitales Kuratieren von Holocaust-Filmen

Keynote by Ingo Zechner at the conference "Zugang gestalten! Schwieriges Erbe"

Thursday, 04.11.2021, 15:30 to Thursday, 04.11.2021, 15:30
Frankfurt am Main

VHH Research Seminar – Session 6: Towards a Forensic Cinema

Presentation by Fabian Schmidt and Alexander Zöller

Tuesday, 26.10.2021, 16:00 to Tuesday, 26.10.2021, 18:00

In the sixth session of CERCEC's H2020 "Visual History of the Holocaust" Research Seminar, Fabian Schmidt and Alexander Zöller (both Film University Babelsberg) speak about film practices during the Holocaust.

Not that Oldschool: The Role of Historical Images for Younger Generations

Presentation by Julia Wittorf and Sophie Stav at the online workshop "Going Digital with Difficult Histories"

Thursday, 21.10.2021, 18:15 to Thursday, 21.10.2021, 18:30

Analyzing memes versus state-funded educational platforms, this study explores how today’s younger generations re-use, adapt, recreate or de-contextualize historical images as independent communicative items to reflect their different interests and identities.

Digital Digging: Video-essayistic Practices and Archival Film

Presentation by Noga Stiassny and Evelyn Kreutzer at the online workshop "Going Digital with Difficult Histories"

Thursday, 21.10.2021, 18:00 to Thursday, 21.10.2021, 18:15

Using Images to Say the Unspeakable

Presentation by Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann and Lital Henig at the online workshop "Going Digital with Difficult Histories"

Thursday, 21.10.2021, 17:00 to Thursday, 21.10.2021, 17:20

Visual History of the Holocaust – Projektpräsentation

Präsentation von Ingo Zechner am wöchentlichen Workshop des Wien Museums

Thursday, 21.10.2021 to Thursday, 21.10.2021

Digital Overload: Curating Big Data

Presentation by Anna Högner and Michael Loebenstein at the online workshop "Going Digital with Difficult Histories"

Tuesday, 19.10.2021, 18:40 to Tuesday, 19.10.2021, 19:00

Digital Transformation of Analog Film

Presentation by Ingo Zechner at the online workshop "Going Digital with Difficult Histories"

Tuesday, 19.10.2021, 18:00 to Tuesday, 19.10.2021, 18:20

The image shows a still taken from Jean-Luc Godard’s film Histoire(s) du cinema. The subtitle reads “Elizabeth Taylor would never have found a Place in the Sun.

Reconsidering Representations of the Holocaust – Digital Curation, Evidence and Remembrance Through the VHH Project

Roundtable and discussion at the virtual conference "Examining American Responses to the Holocaust: Digital Possibilities"

Tuesday, 12.10.2021, 16:00 to Tuesday, 12.10.2021, 17:30

Breaking new ground in the way moving image material about the Holocaust has been and could be presented in the future.

Event image

Visual Histories of 20th Century Occupation

Presentations by Michael Loebenstein, Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann, Noga Stiassny and Jeremy Taylor at the "Visual Histories of 20th Century Occupation" Webinar

Tuesday, 12.10.2021, 10:00 to Tuesday, 12.10.2021, 11:00

The webinar is held jointly by the two ERC funded projects Cultures of Occupation in Twentieth Century Asia (COTCA) and Visual History of the Holocaust (VHH). It is funded by the Horizon Results Booster, an initiative of the European Commission.

The Visual Walkthrough Method: A Tool for the Analysis of Playful Images in the Digital Age

Presentation by Lital Henig and Shir Ventura at the Vienna-Jerusalem Graduate School 2021

Thursday, 07.10.2021, 15:45 to Thursday, 07.10.2021, 16:30

In this presentation, Lital Henig and Shir Ventura explore how visual memory tropes of the Holocaust are used and in turn, impact the contemporary memory work of the Holocaust. They offer a conceptualization of playful images to depict their current form and function, and a new methodological framework for understanding the deep change the visual history of the Holocaust is undergoing in the digital age.

Guiding from Abroad: The Re-Emergence of In-/Visible Values in Virtual Holocaust Commemoration Guiding

Presentation by Shir Ventura and Julia Wittorf at the Vienna-Jerusalem Graduate School 2021

Thursday, 07.10.2021, 15:00 to Thursday, 07.10.2021, 15:45

This study offers a new perspective on how to conceptualize and understand virtual guiding as a form of augmented space in re-creating a historical site that is out of reach by using digital means to produce a spatial, virtual actuality.

The Hybrid Memorial

Presentation by Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann at the Vienna-Jerusalem Graduate School 2021

Thursday, 07.10.2021, 14:00 to Thursday, 07.10.2021, 15:00

Memorials are hybrid places, constituting multiple layers augmented by classical and new media technologies.

Israel's diasporic Artscapes: Between here and there

Presentation by Noga Stiassny at the Vienna-Jerusalem Graduate School 2021

Wednesday, 06.10.2021, 12:30 to Wednesday, 06.10.2021, 13:30

Event image

Mapping Visual History of the Holocaust in the Digital Age: Approaching Holocaust Memory through Digitized Moving Images in the Visual History of the Holocaust and the Ephemeral Films Projects

Presentation by Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann and Michael Loebenstein at the online-conference “Digital Memory – Digital History – Digital Mapping: Transformations of Memory Cultures and Holocaust Education”

Friday, 24.09.2021, 11:30 to Friday, 24.09.2021, 13:30

The presentation introduces two online infrastructures that offer advanced search functions and online tools for viewing, reviewing, annotating and connecting moving images from the era of National Socialism and the Holocaust.

This event poster shows graphic illustrations only.

Relational Memories

Panel with members of the VHH project at the Fifth Annual Conference of the Memory Studies Association on “Convergences” in Warsaw

Friday, 09.07.2021, 10:00 to Friday, 09.07.2021, 12:00

As visual media play an important role in shaping memory, we are rethinking the role of visual materials in the formation and transformation of memory from a perspective that views relations as a fundamental principle incorporating historical contexts, specific events, and particular places.

This event poster shows a film still depicting a dead body lying in the snow.

VHH Research Seminar – Session 5: Soviet Filmed Atrocity Images on American Movie Screens, 1942–1945, and Some Partial Answers to the Questions of What, When, Where and By Whom?

Presentation by Stuart Liebman

Tuesday, 15.06.2021, 18:00 to Tuesday, 15.06.2021, 20:00

In the fifth session of CERCEC's H2020 "Visual History of the Holocaust" Research Seminar, Prof. em. Stuart Liebman (Queens College, City University of New York) speaks about Soviet atrocity images shown in American cinemas during World War II.

Braquer l’objectif sur les massacres. Registres visuels dans l’image fixe et animée des traces de crimes nazis (1941–1945)

Présentation d'Irina Tcherneva dans le cadre d'un séminaire du programme de recherche "Samson (Sciences, Arts, Medicine and Social Norms)"

Friday, 11.06.2021, 16:00 to Friday, 11.06.2021, 18:00

Au cours de la libération des territoires occupés par la Wermacht, les praticiens soviétiques du cinéma et de la photographie documentaires ont créé un considérable corpus visuel, peu connu jusqu’à son exploitation par deux récents projets de recherche : l’ANR « Cinésov, 1939-1949» et Horizons2020 « Visual History of the Holocaust ».

Migrating Images of the Holocaust in the Digital Age: New Methods of Digital Curation

Presentation by Lital Henig and Shir Ventura at the online-conference “Digital Holocaust Memory from the Margins: Practices, Places, and Narratives”

Thursday, 03.06.2021, 15:00 to Thursday, 03.06.2021, 17:30

From online archives to video games, Holocaust related imagery has migrated to digital media. This migration also impacts practices of digital curation, as the digitised images of the Holocaust behave differently than analogue ones.

Teaching with Digital Exhibitions: The Gas Chamber and the VHH-MMSI

Presentation by Noga Stiassny at the online-conference “Digital Holocaust Memory from the Margins: Practices, Places, and Narratives”

Thursday, 03.06.2021, 15:00 to Thursday, 03.06.2021, 17:30

This paper focuses on artistic representations of the Nazi gas chambers and demonstrates how this icon of Holocaust memory can be used as the thematic and visual skeleton of a digital exhibition.

This event poster shows a slide of the PowerPoint presentation with written text, film stills and the logos of some film archives.

Video Analysis in Large Historical Film Collections

Presentation by Daniel Helm as part of the lecture series on "Video Analysis", hosted by the Computer Vision Lab of TU Wien

Monday, 31.05.2021, 15:00 to Monday, 31.05.2021, 17:00

Haunting Images: A Digital Approach to the Visual History of the Holocaust

Presentation by Ingo Zechner at the international workshop "Negotiating Troubled Pasts: History, Politics, Arts and the Media"

Friday, 28.05.2021, 10:30 to Friday, 28.05.2021, 10:50

This event poster shows the cover of an exhibition catalog with written text and an image of Jews being deported.

VHH Research Seminar – Session 4: Un-Seen: The Manyfold Lives of a 1943 Deportation Film Footage across the East-West Divide

Presentation by Nadège Ragaru

Tuesday, 18.05.2021, 16:00 to Tuesday, 18.05.2021, 18:00

In the fourth session of CERCEC's H2020 "Visual History of the Holocaust" Research Seminar, Prof. Nadège Ragaru (Sciences Po, Paris) speaks about the life and afterlife of film footage documenting the deportation of Jews in 1943.

This event poster shows written text with the event details only.

Migrating Images in the Digital Age: Multimodal Curation of Visual Records from the Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps in Digital Infrastructures

Presentation by Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann, Lital Henig, Noga Stiassny and Fabian Schmidt at the online-conference “Migrating Archives of Reality”

Thursday, 06.05.2021, 14:00 to Thursday, 06.05.2021, 15:00

Digital media and new forms of visual appropriation by digital means intensified the constant circulation of photographs and film footage related to historical events. Next to “classical” media such as films, paintings and graphic novels, nowadays also digital short videos or Internet memes refer to historical imagery. As migrating images, the visual records from the liberation of Nazi concentration camps inform complex and multilayered chains of references.

Historicisation des prises de vue: filmages de crimes nazis par les opérateurs soviétiques

Présentation de Valérie Pozner et Irina Tcherneva dans le cadre du workshop "Cultures visuelles, histoire croisée du regard soviétique"

Tuesday, 13.04.2021 to Tuesday, 13.04.2021

Cette présentation porte sur la nature du projet Horizons2020 « Visual History of the Holocaust », son ampleur et les vecteurs selon lesquels il se décline. Nous présentons un corpus considérablement élargi, les documents récemment recueillis et nos manières de les articuler, pour soulever ensuite de nouvelles interrogations sur les archives visuelles et textuelles.

This event poster shows a black and white photograph of several people working in a film archive.

Unfolding the Visual History of the Holocaust through American Liberation Footage

Presentation by Ingo Zechner, Lindsay Zarwell and Criss Austin at the online-conference "Films of State: Moving Images Made by Governments"

Thursday, 08.04.2021, 13:00 to Thursday, 08.04.2021, 14:30

With a focus on color film footage shot by the U.S. Ary Air Forces at Buchenwald concentration camp, this presentation provides an overview of how the use and reuse of government films is explored in the VHH project.

This event poster shows an original caption sheet and a preservation sheet documenting Soviet film footage of Nazi crimes.

VHH Research Seminar – Session 3: Soviet Footage on Nazi Crimes and Its Textual Documentation: Identification and Research Issues

Presentation by Valérie Pozner and Irina Tcherneva

Tuesday, 06.04.2021, 16:00 to Tuesday, 06.04.2021, 18:00

In the third session of CERCEC's H2020 "Visual History of the Holocaust" Research Seminar, Valérie Pozner (CNRS-THALIM) and Irina Tcherneva (CNRS-Eur'ORBEM) speak about Soviet film footage documenting Nazi crimes.

This event poster shows a still of two men on horseback passing by destroyed buildings in the city of Bialystok.

VHH Research Seminar – Session 2: Dziga Vertov’s Blood for Blood (1941) in the Interval of Fall 1941

Presentation by John MacKay

Friday, 26.03.2021, 16:00 to Friday, 26.03.2021, 18:00

In the second session of CERCEC's H2020 "Visual History of the Holocaust" Research Seminar, John MacKay (Yale University, Film and Media Studies/Slavic Languages and Literatures) speaks about Vertov's Blood for Blood (1941).

Histoire du cinéma letton

Présentation d'Irina Tcherneva dans le cadre du séminaire de l'INALCO

Monday, 08.03.2021 to Monday, 08.03.2021

Cette contribution a porté sur la constitution de la filière cinématographique en Lettonie, annexée à deux reprises à l'Union soviétique et occupée par les forces nazies. Le filmage des crimes de guerre, puis le tournage des films de procès des criminels de guerre constituent une pièce cruciale de cette histoire.

This event poster shows a photo of Roman Karmen filming in Majdanek in July 1944.

VHH Research Seminar – Session 1: The Making of Majdanek – Cemetery of Europe (1944)

Presentation by Natascha Drubek-Meyer

Thursday, 25.02.2021, 16:00 to Thursday, 25.02.2021, 18:00

In the first session of CERCEC's H2020 "Visual History of the Holocaust" Research Seminar, Natascha Drubek-Meyer (Free University of Berlin/ Fonte Stiftung, Peter Szondi-Institut Berlin) speaks about Majdanek.

This event poster shows written text with the event details only.

Consortium Meeting

Annual VHH Consortium Meeting

Tuesday, 23.02.2021, 15:00 to Wednesday, 24.02.2021, 19:00

At the beginning of the second half of the VHH project, this large Consortium Meeting provides a multi-perspective update on where we stand and where we go.

This event poster shows written text with the event details only.

Advanced Digitization: Tool Kit & Best Practice Models

Presentation by Ingo Zechner at the online workshop “Teaching Digital Methods for Film Studies”, JGU Mainz

Friday, 19.02.2021, 11:00 to Friday, 19.02.2021, 12:00

What is advanced about Advanced Digitization? In this presentation, Ingo Zechner advocates for a comprehensive understanding of Advanced Digitization.

This event poster shows written text with the event details only.

The VHH Horizon 2020 Innovation Action

Project presentation by Ingo Zechner at the online cluster meeting of the projects funded under the DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-12-2018-2020 topic, EU Commission, REA

Wednesday, 10.02.2021, 10:00 to Wednesday, 10.02.2021, 12:00

The topic comprises a group of six projects that have officially kicked-off. The objective of this first cluster meeting and its brief project presentations is to allow projects to get to know and learn from each other, to exchange, to share and start planning actions in synergy.

Répressions de 1941 et retournement des images migrantes

Présentation d'Irina Tcherneva à la conférence "Lituanie et Lettonie, d'une occupation à l'autre"

Thursday, 04.02.2021, 19:30 to Thursday, 04.02.2021, 21:30

This event poster shows written text with the event details only.

Exploitation Roadmap


Tuesday, 02.02.2021, 09:30 to Tuesday, 02.02.2021, 13:00

The aim of this internal mini-workshop is to further refine the VHH Results and Stakeholders Matrix, and to workshop the VHH project’s strategic approach to exploitation in preparation for the consortium meeting 2021 and upcoming deliverables.

This event poster shows written text with the event details only.

Relation Detection


Tuesday, 26.01.2021, 14:00 to Tuesday, 26.01.2021, 17:00

Exploring the possibilities and challenges of automatic relation detection in films is the aim of this mini-workshop.

This event poster shows written text with the event details only.

Text Analysis


Tuesday, 12.01.2021, 09:30 to Tuesday, 12.01.2021, 13:00

At the beginning of the second half of the VHH project, this joint mini-workshop gathers computer scientists, historians and media scholars to present and discuss the possibilities and further requirements of two software solutions employing automatic analysis tools developed in the course of the project: BOW (Batch OCR Webservice) and ArchAIvist.