Center for Russian, Central European and Caucasian Studies (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)

Consortium Member

The Center for Russian, Central European and Caucasian Studies was created in 1996, as a result of a scission between the Russian and Ottoman branches of a research institute founded in the 1960’s by Alexandre Bennigsen. Under the joint supervision of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS), currently headed by Prof. Françoise Daucé, the Center is one of the most important centers for historical research on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in France. Its 17 tenured researchers and professors, assisted by 7 research and administrative assistants, cover a wide range of expertise, with a focus on war and violence in Soviet and post-Soviet history.
One research branch is constituted by historians of Soviet mass violence and deportations, whose work is partially reflected on the website, one of the results of the collective project “European Memories of the Gulag”. The second branch consists of historians of the Second World War, especially the Nazi occupation of the Soviet Union and its consequences: research is conducted on the Soviet partisan movement, on the State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes and on the Soviet government’s treatment of Soviet collaborators with Nazi Germany a topic which was also investigated in the collective research project “Nazi War Crimes on Trial: Central & Eastern Europe”.
Visual history has been part of many CERCEC projects and is the topic of the research seminar “Visual Cultures: A Comparative History of the Soviet Gaze”, held at CERCEC since 2015. CERCEC has also been the main partner of Valérie Pozner’s project “CINESOV – Soviet Cinema at War, 1939–1949”, including the exhibition “Filming the War. Soviet cameras confront the Holocaust, 1941–1946” in Paris at Mémorial de la Shoah in 2015.

Role in the Project

CERCEC leads the task of identifying and digitizing Holocaust-related filmic documents in post-Soviet archives in Russia, the Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltics. CERCEC is also responsible for identifying and digitizing photographs and relevant textual documents in these countries. With its long-standing expertise, the CERCEC team annotates and explores these documents, thus contributing to a better understanding of this little-known part of the Holocaust and its visual traces.

Team Members

Timofey Balin

Researcher (Soviet films and related documents about the Holocaust)

Center for Russian, Central European and Caucasian Studies (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)

Sarah Gruszka

Researcher (Soviet archives on the Holocaust, mainly textual and audio-visual documents)

Center for Russian, Central European and Caucasian Studies (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)

Marie Moutier-Bitan

Researcher (Soviet films and related documents about the Holocaust)

Center for Russian, Central European and Caucasian Studies (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)

Valérie Pozner

CERCEC team leader, expert on Soviet film and related documents about the Holocaust, main contact and representative of CERCEC

Center for Russian, Central European and Caucasian Studies (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)

Irina Tcherneva

Researcher (Soviet films and related documents about the Holocaust)

Center for Russian, Central European and Caucasian Studies (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)

Participation in Public Deliverables

D2.2 Literature Database


D2.3 Digitized Collection of Text Documents related to Footage and Films


D4.1 Controlled Vocabularies Specification


D4.4 Translation of Selected Russian Text Documents


Participation in Events

Pre-Kick-off Meeting


Friday, 19.10.2018, 09:15 to Saturday, 20.10.2018, 18:00

Liberation Footage and the Visualization of the Holocaust


Friday, 30.11.2018, 11:00

Histoire visuelle de l'Holocauste. Repenser la conservation à l'ère numérique


Tuesday, 19.02.2019, 19:00 to Tuesday, 19.02.2019, 21:00

Kick-off Meeting


Wednesday, 27.02.2019, 09:15 to Friday, 01.03.2019, 20:00

Advanced Digitization


Wednesday, 20.03.2019, 09:30 to Friday, 22.03.2019, 16:00

Visual History of the Holocaust: Soviet documents in digital context


Monday, 22.04.2019 to Monday, 22.04.2019

Archival Research in Eastern European Archives


Monday, 14.10.2019, 13:30 to Tuesday, 15.10.2019, 17:00

Allied Attempts to Cover Nazi Crimes on Film. What Questions can the Footage Answer?


Friday, 13.12.2019, 10:30 to Sunday, 15.12.2019, 13:00

Soviet Film Archives in the Light of Digital Humanities


Thursday, 23.01.2020, 10:00 to Friday, 24.01.2020, 18:00



Thursday, 13.02.2020, 13:15 to Friday, 14.02.2020, 17:30

Répressions de 1941 et retournement des images migrantes


Thursday, 04.02.2021, 19:30 to Thursday, 04.02.2021, 21:30

Consortium Meeting


Tuesday, 23.02.2021, 15:00 to Wednesday, 24.02.2021, 19:00

VHH Research Seminar – Session 1: The Making of Majdanek – Cemetery of Europe (1944)

Research Seminar

Thursday, 25.02.2021, 16:00 to Thursday, 25.02.2021, 18:00

Histoire du cinéma letton


Monday, 08.03.2021 to Monday, 08.03.2021

VHH Research Seminar – Session 2: Dziga Vertov’s Blood for Blood (1941) in the Interval of Fall 1941

Research Seminar

Friday, 26.03.2021, 16:00 to Friday, 26.03.2021, 18:00

VHH Research Seminar – Session 3: Soviet Footage on Nazi Crimes and Its Textual Documentation: Identification and Research Issues

Research Seminar

Tuesday, 06.04.2021, 16:00 to Tuesday, 06.04.2021, 18:00

Historicisation des prises de vue: filmages de crimes nazis par les opérateurs soviétiques


Tuesday, 13.04.2021 to Tuesday, 13.04.2021

VHH Research Seminar – Session 4: Un-Seen: The Manyfold Lives of a 1943 Deportation Film Footage across the East-West Divide

Research Seminar

Tuesday, 18.05.2021, 16:00 to Tuesday, 18.05.2021, 18:00

Braquer l’objectif sur les massacres. Registres visuels dans l’image fixe et animée des traces de crimes nazis (1941–1945)


Friday, 11.06.2021, 16:00 to Friday, 11.06.2021, 18:00

VHH Research Seminar – Session 5: Soviet Filmed Atrocity Images on American Movie Screens, 1942–1945, and Some Partial Answers to the Questions of What, When, Where and By Whom?

Research Seminar

Tuesday, 15.06.2021, 18:00 to Tuesday, 15.06.2021, 20:00

Relational Memories


Friday, 09.07.2021, 10:00 to Friday, 09.07.2021, 12:00

VHH Research Seminar – Session 6: Towards a Forensic Cinema

Research Seminar

Tuesday, 26.10.2021, 16:00 to Tuesday, 26.10.2021, 18:00

VHH Research Seminar – Session 7: How to Tell the Story of Liberated Concentration Camps: On the Written Documents of British Cameramen and Filmmakers

Research Seminar

Tuesday, 23.11.2021, 16:00 to Tuesday, 23.11.2021, 18:00

Paysage dans la compréhension des crimes: pratiques de preneurs de vues soviétiques


Thursday, 16.12.2021, 11:45 to Thursday, 16.12.2021, 12:15

VHH Research Seminar – Session 8: Analyzing visual “text” – films taken by German soldiers in Poland

Research Seminar

Wednesday, 05.01.2022, 16:00 to Wednesday, 05.01.2022, 18:00

VHH Research Seminar – Session 9: Soviet Footage of War Crimes, between Propaganda and Judicial Evidence, 1941–1946

Research Seminar

Thursday, 13.01.2022, 16:00 to Thursday, 13.01.2022, 18:00

Ce dont les images témoignent: films et photos documentaires sur les crimes nazis (URSS, 1942–1945)


Monday, 28.03.2022, 16:30 to Monday, 28.03.2022, 18:30

La propagande soviétique dans les années 1930 et 1940: deux études de cas


Tuesday, 05.04.2022, 14:00 to Tuesday, 05.04.2022, 17:00

VHH Research Seminar – Session 10: Between Fiction and History: Ethical Questions during the Historical Research for Son of Saul

Research Seminar

Thursday, 28.04.2022, 16:00 to Thursday, 28.04.2022, 18:00

Moving Images from the Archives. Historical Footage of Nazi Crimes in Documentaries


Sunday, 08.05.2022, 18:00 to Tuesday, 10.05.2022, 17:00

Image documentaire. Méthodes. Historicisation. Apports en histoire sociale


Monday, 23.05.2022 to Monday, 23.05.2022

Filmer pour l’investigation. Diversité de registres visuels publics et institutionnels dans le documentaire soviétique, 1960–1970


Tuesday, 07.06.2022, 10:45 to Tuesday, 07.06.2022, 11:30

VHH Research Seminar – Session 11: By Filming, by Writing. Photographic Testimonies of the Nazi Camps

Research Seminar

Thursday, 09.06.2022, 16:00 to Thursday, 09.06.2022, 18:00

VHH Research Seminar – Session 12: Writing the History of the Holocaust and of Mass Violence in Nazi-Occupied Kharkiv

Research Seminar

Thursday, 16.06.2022, 16:00 to Thursday, 16.06.2022, 18:00

Migrating Images and Image Migration: How Popular Culture Shapes the Visual History of the Holocaust


Monday, 12.09.2022, 18:00 to Wednesday, 14.09.2022, 20:00

Documenting Nazi Crimes through Film: Soviet Union, 1942–1945


Thursday, 24.11.2022, 09:30 to Sunday, 27.11.2022, 16:30

Kinodokumenty o zverstvach nemecko-fašistskich zachvatčikov (Die von den deutsch-faschistischen Invasoren verübten Gräueltaten)


Sunday, 29.01.2023, 18:00

Landscape in the Comprehension of Crimes: Practices of Soviet Film Makers


Friday, 24.03.2023, 16:30 to Friday, 24.03.2023, 18:30

État autoritaire et archives filmiques: les crimes de guerre nazis en URSS et dans l'espace post-soviétique


Wednesday, 17.05.2023, 17:00 to Wednesday, 17.05.2023, 19:00

Useful Cinema in the Soviet Union. Visual Registers in Still and Moving Images on the Nazi Crime Traces (1941–1945)


Thursday, 15.06.2023 to Thursday, 15.06.2023