Austrian Film Museum

Consortium Member

The Austrian Film Museum (OFM) collects, preserves, and presents films. Founded in 1964 as a not-for-profit association it operates a world-renowned cinematheque and a reference library in Vienna. It actively curates and preserves a museum collection of motion picture film, still images and associated documentation. The Film Museum runs research, education and outreach programs to interpret its collections and to engage researchers, artists, students and the general public in the appreciation and discovery of film as an art form and as a historical record.
As a research institute, the Film Museum develops and supports research projects in academic and non-academic contexts worldwide. The focus hereby lies in the artistic and scholarly research on the film medium in its manifold dimensions, be it historical, contemporary, or in terms of its continuation in other media. The Film Museum therefore actively pursues a dynamic exchange with other fields of art, research and scholarship and positions itself as a place of knowledge and creative production.
Ephemeral films have played a key role in a number of joint projects with different partners, including the Department of Theatre, Film, and Media Studies at the University of Vienna as well as the TU Wien (VHH Consortium member TUW); and in particular in the long-standing collaboration with VHH coordinator LBI. Some of these projects involved the application of concepts of Digital Humanities to create innovative forms of access. Examples include the online platforms “Film. Stadt. Wien” (2009–2011), “Ephemeral Films: National Socialism in Austria” (2011–2016), “I- Media-Cities” (2016–2019).
The Austrian Film Museum is financially supported by the Austrian Federal government and the City of Vienna as well as through contribution by its members and supporters, project grants as well as through revenue generated through its events and programs. The Film Museum is a member of the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF), the Association of European Cinémathèques (ACE) and the Association of Austrian Media Archives (maa).

Role in the Project

The Film Museum serves as the co-coordinating institution and is leader of the work package dealing with Advanced Digitization and the task of developing a metadata model. The Film Museum is also responsible for the tasks of data management and IPR management. It contributes its expertise in film preservation, film-historical research, cataloging, digitization and metadata handling, technology-enhanced contextualization and curation. With its expertise in the handling of analog film material and in digitization, OFM leads the development of advanced digitization standards and contributes to the development of a sustainable and interoperable metadata model for filmic heritage materials. These technical tasks are embedded in the Film Museum’s work as a co-developer of policies and best practice models for the ethical and sustainable digital curation of filmic heritage materials. The Film Museum furthermore supports the dissemination in relevant professional communities on an international level.

Team Members

Camille Blot-Wellens

Ethics advisor

Austrian Film Museum

Peter Bubestinger-Steindl

Metadata Manager, researcher and developer (development and implementation of the VHH-EFG Metadata Schema)

Austrian Film Museum

Anna Högner

Researcher and curator; expert for GLAM sector needs and results

Austrian Film Museum

Stefan Huber

Film educator

Austrian Film Museum

Michael Loebenstein

Deputy Coordinator, Work Package Leader, member of the Management Board, OFM team leader

Austrian Film Museum

Kevin Lutz

Development and supervision of digitization and preservation workflows

Austrian Film Museum

Michael Paul

Identifying and managing stakeholders; exploitation and business strategy & planning

Austrian Film Museum

Claudio Santancini

Film digitization expert (digital film processing, Master Film Repository)

Austrian Film Museum

Alessandra Thiele

Project Management

Austrian Film Museum

Marcus Weber-Eberhardt

Administrative support

Austrian Film Museum

Nadja Šičarov

Quality check assistance

Austrian Film Museum

Article Author

Filmgeschichte als Visual History: Digitale Zugänge zu Europas Dunklem Erbe

Anna Högner, Filmgeschichte als Visual History: Digitale Zugänge zu Europas Dunklem Erbe, in: Katharina Günther, Stefan Alschner (Hg.), Sammlungsforschung im digitalen Zeitalter: Chancen, Herausforderungen und Grenzen, Göttingen 2024, 209–218.

Participation in Public Deliverables

D1.5 EU Commission Policy Brief: Fostering Media-Literate Cultural Memory


D1.6 EU Commission Policy Brief: ECCCH – No Cultural Heritage Cloud Without Audiovisual Media


D2.1 Advanced Digitization Tool Kit


D2.3 Digitized Collection of Text Documents related to Footage and Films


D2.4 Database of Films, Artworks, and other Visual Culture Products


D2.5 Report on Digital Curation of Popular Culture Content


D2.6 Expert Videos on Popular Culture Content


D2.7 Advanced Digitization of Popular Culture Content


D3.1 Definition of Engagement Levels, Usage Modes, and User Types


D3.2 Mind Map Visualizing Multimodal Curating


D3.3 Ethics Guideline


D3.4 Framework for Tool Kits, Best Practice Models and Future Network Activities


D3.5 Concept: VHH i-docs


D4.1 Controlled Vocabularies Specification


D4.2 Metadata Integration Concept


D8.2 Project Design and Identity Handbook [revised edition]

Author, Contributor

Participation in Events

Pre-Kick-off Meeting


Friday, 19.10.2018, 09:15 to Saturday, 20.10.2018, 18:00

Liberation Footage and the Visualization of the Holocaust


Friday, 30.11.2018, 11:00

Interactive Film as Research Method

Panel Discussion

Friday, 30.11.2018, 14:30 to Friday, 30.11.2018, 16:00

Histoire visuelle de l'Holocauste. Repenser la conservation à l'ère numérique


Tuesday, 19.02.2019, 19:00 to Tuesday, 19.02.2019, 21:00

Kick-off Meeting


Wednesday, 27.02.2019, 09:15 to Friday, 01.03.2019, 20:00

Advanced Digitization


Wednesday, 20.03.2019, 09:30 to Friday, 22.03.2019, 16:00

Curation of Engagement Levels


Monday, 20.05.2019, 09:00 to Tuesday, 21.05.2019, 17:00

Taxonomy of Relations


Monday, 19.08.2019, 13:30 to Tuesday, 20.08.2019, 17:00

Archival Research in Eastern European Archives


Monday, 14.10.2019, 13:30 to Tuesday, 15.10.2019, 17:00



Monday, 21.10.2019, 09:00 to Tuesday, 22.10.2019, 16:00



Thursday, 21.11.2019, 13:45 to Friday, 22.11.2019, 17:00

Bilder der Befreiung. Liberation Footage - Atrocity Pictures

Screening and Discussion

Monday, 09.12.2019, 10:00 to Monday, 09.12.2019, 12:00

A media archeology of destruction. Exploring the visual history of the Holocaust


Monday, 27.01.2020, 12:45 to Monday, 27.01.2020, 14:30

Ethics of the Visible and the Displayable

Panel Discussion

Sunday, 02.02.2020, 10:00 to Sunday, 02.02.2020, 11:30

NonAV Metadata (Citavi)


Wednesday, 27.05.2020, 13:00 to Wednesday, 27.05.2020, 17:00

Relation Detection


Tuesday, 26.01.2021, 14:00 to Tuesday, 26.01.2021, 17:00

Exploitation Roadmap


Tuesday, 02.02.2021, 09:30 to Tuesday, 02.02.2021, 13:00

Consortium Meeting


Tuesday, 23.02.2021, 15:00 to Wednesday, 24.02.2021, 19:00

VHH Research Seminar – Session 3: Soviet Footage on Nazi Crimes and Its Textual Documentation: Identification and Research Issues

Research Seminar

Tuesday, 06.04.2021, 16:00 to Tuesday, 06.04.2021, 18:00

VHH Research Seminar – Session 5: Soviet Filmed Atrocity Images on American Movie Screens, 1942–1945, and Some Partial Answers to the Questions of What, When, Where and By Whom?

Research Seminar

Tuesday, 15.06.2021, 18:00 to Tuesday, 15.06.2021, 20:00

Mapping Visual History of the Holocaust in the Digital Age: Approaching Holocaust Memory through Digitized Moving Images in the Visual History of the Holocaust and the Ephemeral Films Projects


Friday, 24.09.2021, 11:30 to Friday, 24.09.2021, 13:30

Reconsidering Representations of the Holocaust – Digital Curation, Evidence and Remembrance Through the VHH Project


Tuesday, 12.10.2021, 16:00 to Tuesday, 12.10.2021, 17:30

Visual Histories of 20th Century Occupation


Tuesday, 12.10.2021, 10:00 to Tuesday, 12.10.2021, 11:00

Digital Overload: Curating Big Data


Tuesday, 19.10.2021, 18:40 to Tuesday, 19.10.2021, 19:00

VHH Research Seminar – Session 7: How to Tell the Story of Liberated Concentration Camps: On the Written Documents of British Cameramen and Filmmakers

Research Seminar

Tuesday, 23.11.2021, 16:00 to Tuesday, 23.11.2021, 18:00

Die Todesmühlen (1945)


Wednesday, 05.01.2022 to Wednesday, 05.01.2022

Tracing Visual Evidence of the Holocaust: Challenges of the Digital Curation of Liberation Footage across Archives and Disciplines


Tuesday, 26.04.2022, 09:00 to Tuesday, 26.04.2022, 10:30

Moving Images from the Archives. Historical Footage of Nazi Crimes in Documentaries


Sunday, 08.05.2022, 18:00 to Tuesday, 10.05.2022, 17:00

Visual History of the Holocaust – Projektpräsentation


Wednesday, 06.07.2022 to Wednesday, 06.07.2022

Migrating Images and Image Migration: How Popular Culture Shapes the Visual History of the Holocaust


Monday, 12.09.2022, 18:00 to Wednesday, 14.09.2022, 20:00

Documenting Nazi Crimes through Film: Soviet Union, 1942–1945


Thursday, 24.11.2022, 09:30 to Sunday, 27.11.2022, 16:30



Friday, 27.01.2023, 20:30 to Friday, 27.01.2023, 22:30

Holocaust Remembrance Day – Digitales Kuratieren


Friday, 27.01.2023, 09:00 to Friday, 27.01.2023, 12:30

Von Bildern extremer Gewalt und vom digitalen Kuratieren


Friday, 27.01.2023, 18:00 to Friday, 27.01.2023, 20:00

Das Fortunoff Video Archive, Überlebende und "archivarischer Aktivismus"


Sunday, 29.01.2023, 15:00

Kinodokumenty o zverstvach nemecko-fašistskich zachvatčikov (Die von den deutsch-faschistischen Invasoren verübten Gräueltaten)


Sunday, 29.01.2023, 18:00

Filmkuratierung umdenken – Digitale Zugänge zu Europas dunklem Erbe


Friday, 17.02.2023, 09:50 to Friday, 17.02.2023, 10:10

Einleitung und Best Practice: Wie kann ich meine Institution anbinden? Der Umgang mit unterschiedlichen Objekttypen im digitalen Raum


Wednesday, 22.03.2023, 15:30 to Wednesday, 22.03.2023, 16:20

Film als Zeuge?

Panel Discussion, Presentation

Wednesday, 03.05.2023, 18:30 to Wednesday, 03.05.2023, 20:30

Filmdokumente der alliierten Streitkräfte aus den befreiten Konzentrationslagern und von anderen Verbrechensorten

Tuesday, 26.09.2023, 19:00 to Tuesday, 26.09.2023, 20:30

Vernetzte Bilder: Digitale Zugänge zum audiovisuellen Erbe des Holocaust

Monday, 11.12.2023, 14:00 to Tuesday, 12.12.2023, 17:45

VHH-MMSI: Relaunch der CdH auf der Visual History of the Holocaust Plattform

Monday, 11.12.2023, 14:15 to Monday, 11.12.2023, 16:00

CLOSE UP! Bilder von Gräueltaten – ethische Überlegungen zur Arbeit mit Fotos und Film im Kontext des Holocaust


Thursday, 25.01.2024, 18:00 to Thursday, 25.01.2024, 20:00